What is meant by Panchkarma? What are the various therapies associated with it?


What is meant by Panchkarma? What are the various therapies associated with it?

  • January 8, 2021


Ayurveda is a science that helps in the detoxification of harmful toxins from the body. The Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana has broadened our vision. Ayurveda not only helps in detoxifying but it also helps in incorporating the positive vibes and good feeling inside the patient. In the absence of good vibes and positive emotions, one may consequently start feeling ill.

What is panchakarma?

 According to Ayurveda, our mind is the core center of all the diseases from which we are getting afflicted. If our mind is at utmost peace and our brain is not producing any such hormones which are responsible for creating stress then we can definitely say that our body is healthy. Because an agitated mind and stressful brain are the two responsible factors in pushing your body towards affliction. If Ayurveda has detected this problem, then it must have offered a comprehensive and extensive kind of solution for this. Yes, you are right! The solution is named Panchkarma. A panchakarma is a sum of all the therapies which aid an individual to provide a healthy and peaceful environment to his mind and body. It includes variegated kinds of Yoga Asanas and therapeutic procedures.

Therapies of Panchkarma

Following are the glimpses of therapies that are included in the panchakarma:

  • Vamana

 Vamana is an ayurvedic therapeutic procedure that makes the patient feel nauseous. Subsequently, he is induced to vomit. For this there is a whole lot of procedure:

  • First and foremost, a patient is asked to intake the vomiting inducing food which is usually associated with alleviating Kapha like yogurt and basmati rice.
  • On the following day, the patient is given calamus root tea or that kind of drug which invokes puking.
  • After the patient has puked then, he is asked to take a rest and fast on a subsequent day.
  • Virechana

 Virechana is associated with passing stool from the body. It is the study associated with assessing the aggravation of disease and healing from the same based on the passing of stools. Stools are measured in numbers and quantity before beginning the therapy and after the completion of the same.

  • Nasya

 The nose is considered to be connected with the brain and its nerves. So nasya is a therapeutic procedure in which two drops of any of the following is put into the nasal passage to make it reach the brain for the refreshing process:

  • Dry Powders or herbs
  • Ghee, salt, ashwagandha ghee
  • Juices like Brahmi juice or vacha juice


  • Swedana

 Swedana is associated with giving heat to the body in a passive way. This does not include the use of heaters and any such external heating source. It is done in the form of massages with essential oil and practicing physical exercises and yoga asana. This usually keeps your body warm and allows the smoother functioning of the various body organs and parts.