
Everything you need to know about getting the Ayurvedic Treatment in India
Ayurvedic treatment

Everything you need to know about getting the Ayurvedic Treatment in India

  • July 9, 2021


Ayurvedic treatment has been in use in India for the past 5000 years. It is a holistic way of healing the person and that too without any side effects. This…

How can you make your skin rejuvenated & glowing as per the Ayurvedic Tips?
Ayurvedic treatment

How can you make your skin rejuvenated & glowing as per the Ayurvedic Tips?

  • July 3, 2021


What, according to you, is beauty? Is it the structure of your face that may include the bone structure, face colour and other features? Is it the same as the…

What are the fundamental things about Ayurvedic treatment and the doshas?
Ayurvedic treatment

What are the fundamental things about Ayurvedic treatment and the doshas?

  • July 2, 2021


The Ayurvedic system, which came into existence more than 3000 years ago is considered one of the best systems to heal the body. According to the Ayurvedic Doctor in Punjab,…

How do Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis different from each other?
Ulcerative colitis

How do Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis different from each other?

  • June 24, 2021


One of the common concerns of the patient, when they consult the best Ayurvedic Doctor Punjab, is ‘Understanding the difference b/w ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Understanding the root cause…

What are the 7 topmost and surprising health benefits of honey?
Ayurvedic Doctor

What are the 7 topmost and surprising health benefits of honey?

  • June 19, 2021


‘HONEY’: Natural and Organic Healing Nectar Do you know: How one pound of honey is made? Around 60,000 bees need to travel around 55,000 miles and they need to visit…

Why is it important for males to switch to a healthy routine? Are there any tips?
AyurvedicAyurvedic treatment

Why is it important for males to switch to a healthy routine? Are there any tips?

  • June 12, 2021


DO YOU KNOW? Every year, 19th November is dedicated to all the males who are helping to create a positive difference in society by raising awareness continuously. So, we know…

How does Ayurveda aim at strengthening the immunity of the children?

How does Ayurveda aim at strengthening the immunity of the children?

  • June 8, 2021


Nowadays, it is becoming extremely challenging for parents to inculcate healthy habits in their children. Earlier the kids used to be jolly and worry-free. But the increased competition and willingness…

What are the 8 amazing benefits of adding desi ghee into your daily diet?
Ayurvedic treatment

What are the 8 amazing benefits of adding desi ghee into your daily diet?

  • June 5, 2021


If you are from North India or you have ever tried North Indian cuisine, then you must have noticed ghee floating over the top of many dishes. In most households,…

What are the 5 top regular practices you should do for a healthy liver?
liver diseases

What are the 5 top regular practices you should do for a healthy liver?

  • June 2, 2021


Do you know which organ in the human body can regenerate itself? Answer: Liver Not only that, but it is the largest one in the body. It is an important…

Meaning & treatment for breathing disorders and coughing as per Ayurveda
AyurvedicAyurvedic DoctorAyurvedic treatmentBreathing Disorders

Meaning & treatment for breathing disorders and coughing as per Ayurveda

  • March 19, 2021


There are numerous reasons because of which breathing disorders may come up. These disorders always brought about the problem of scarcity in breathing. According to the ayurvedic doctor in Punjab,…