Everything you need to know about Allergic rhinitis and Ayurvedic treatment

Allergic RhinitisAllergies

Everything you need to know about Allergic rhinitis and Ayurvedic treatment

  • April 9, 2022


Allergic rhinitis and Ayurvedic treatment

Allergic rhinitis is a condition where allergic symptoms occur in the nasal passage. Such allergic reactions can occur due to a specific season or perennial. The allergens that result in seasonal allergic rhinitis can include pollens from grasses, weeds, and trees. It can also occur due to house dust mites, animal dander, fungi, molds, and other allergens. Are you having trouble with Allergic Rhinitis or Allergic Sinusitis? Ensure to consult one of the known Ayurvedic Doctor Ludhiana, to know better about how to handle the situation and what treatment approach is required for your condition.


How does allergic rhinitis occur?

This specific allergy type is triggered when allergens get in touch with the following:

  • Nose
  • Ears
  • Throat
  • Sinuses

When you consult one of the best Ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana, it does help to better understand what kind of treatment is necessary for your situation. The Ayurvedic practitioner determines what exactly the problem is, and accordingly, you are given the treatment plan.


What are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis?

There are several symptoms of allergic rhinitis:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Postnasal drip
  • Tears
  • Watery “runny nose”
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat
  • Puffy eyes or ‘allergic shiners’

In some cases, the prevalence of symptoms occurs in one season, or sometimes they occur the entire year. Additionally, it can occur at any age.


Are there any risk factors for allergic rhinitis?

Allergies can occur in anyone. Although, the chances are higher when someone in the family has faced a similar situation. Apart from that, there are a few factors that are likely to be the significant triggering reason for allergic rhinitis:

  • Chemicals
  • Humidity
  • Wind
  • Air pollution
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Perfumes
  • Wood smoke
  • Fumes
  • Hairspray


What is the Ayurvedic approach for rhinitis?

As per Ayurveda, allergic rhinitis is properly analyzed through Vata, and many allergic conditions occur with the same. Under this state, the rasa and rakta dhatu are the major reasons for having the condition. At times, combining wrong food options gives allergies the reason to make your situation worse. Some of the food combinations that you should avoid are:

  • Fruit juice with milk
  • Clarified butter and honey
  • Fish with milk
  • Clarified butter with honey
  • Ice cream after night meals

As per AyurvedaAyurveda, it’s essential to balance all three doshas. Panchakarma is one of the effective options for addressing allergic rhinitis.


Ayurvedic treatment for Allergic Rhinitis

The given-below table gives the perfect description of what kind of Ayurvedic treatment is required:

Severe and chronic condition Vamana Panchakarma and after that Virechana is given. The said approach is beneficial to address Ama and strike a balance b/w Tridosha.
Patient whose normal digestion is not affected Nasya treatment along with herbal oils like Shabdindu Taila or Anu Taila.
Following Panchakarma next steps are taken Treatment helps in boosting body’s overall immunity and makes the respiratory tract strong.


What kind of diet is suitable if you have Allergic Rhinitis?

Diet management is extremely an all-important part, and here are a few things that you should keep in mind:

  • Prefer light food, drink lukewarm water, increase less spicy food, eat legumes, and have soups.
  • Avoid fermented food, heavy food, or too cold or hot food.